Abandoned blog, no longer abandoned

Today I felt the Holy Spirit guide me to write in my long abandoned blog (I guess it is now officially not abandoned anymore! Woohoo!) I think busy stuff got in the way… Or maybe I just needed these two years of trials, increasing closeness to God, and learning experiences to be able to write more.

I started this blog because even in the midst of a bad injury I thought that I could somehow help someone by telling my story.  I didn’t know how big of a blessing this blog would actually be, or what surprises would come along with it. A violinist wrote to me, half way around the world (keeping her privacy by not writing out her name) with a similar story. We wrote to eachother. Endless emails describing every bit of our story. Life at music school, the pressures we placed on ourselves, experiencing injury, having something that was so much a part of us stripped so abruptly from us, facing a very unknown future, and struggling to trust God.

Soon enough we discovered we could send each other videos instead, so as to save our hands, wrists, and arms from becoming sore or any more inflamed. We became warriors of God; sisters through Christ. We prayed for each other. Encouraged each other. Spoke the word of God into our lives. Prophesied. How we have been made strong through God supernaturally connecting us!! What an inspiring, encouraging, and helping friend did God give me through this blog in a time of need!!!

“Wherever two or three are gather in my name, there am I with them” — Mathew 18:20

I am so thankful to God for an unexpected friend and sister, for companionship, for that extra boost of encouragement needed in times of hardship. What a tremendous gift! These past two years I have been strengthen by her strength and by her incredible perseverance through difficult trials she has faced, and have definitely grown closer to God. Now that the Holy Spirit has prompted me to write once again, I pray that God would help me tell my story over the past two years, that it would be of help to others, and that God’s name would be glorified. Like John the Baptist said,

“He must become greater, I must become less” — John 3:30

God help me to inspire musicians all over the world to worship the king of kings, Jesus!!

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